From Home Building to Body Building: Staying Fit and Healthy with Paragon Homes

Is your home a healthy home?


Do you have a devoted workout space in your house?

If you have a new home, you probably do, but ultimately, you do not even need a lot of extra room in your home to exercise and stay in shape.


Sure, a home gym is wonderful, but, there are plenty of creative options, too.


Here are some tips from Paragon Homes that should be useful whether or not just built your dream home or are just looking for a homebuilder:


  • Choose exercise equipment and accessories that are portable, versatile, and easy to store. For example: resistance bands, yoga mat and blocks, small weights, jump ropes, kettle bells, suspension training systems such as TRX, etc.
  • If your item is harder to store, such as a large piece of equipment (think: treadmill, stair-climber, rowing machine, stationary bike, elliptical, or other total-body or weight machines) consider moving it to a space that isn’t frequented by guests, such as a spare bedroom, basement, or home office.
  • Choose treadmills and other machinery that folds up for easier storage.
  • Keep a balance ball in your garage or basement that is out-of-sight most of the time, but that can be easily pulled out for a quick workout.
  • Try exercise DVDs and/or Exercise TV. Most cable providers have exercise, sport, and fitness channels that feature OnDemand workouts…and if not, you can find many exercise routines on YouTube to follow along with.
  • Consider your kitchen to be part of your fitness regimen. Your Paragon home comes with the kitchen of your dreams, so why not put it to good use and make nutritious, wholesome, healthful meals for you and your family? Use fresh produce and organic foods when possible.
  • Keep houseplants in your home – they clean and purify the air!
  • Use your home! Yes, that’s right – your house can be part of your physical activity for the day. Cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry all burn calories. Plus, who says you need a step-machine when you can walk or jog up and down your own stairs at home? Use your couch arm to do modified push-ups. Use a gallon of milk to do bicep curls. Try chair yoga. You can make everyday items extraordinary with a “fit” frame of mind!
  • Don’t forget that many exercises don’t need any equipment at all:  yoga, Pilates, stretching, jogging in place, crunches, sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, squats, and planks are just some examples of things that can be done in any room of your house…or anywhere, really!
  • Get outdoors! Take your dog for a walk. Play ball in your backyard. Have a pool? Take a swim. Go for a hike. Ride a bike. Whatever you can do to stay active, do it!

Whether you’re a body builder or a home builder, Paragon Homes has communities that are a great place to live, work, and play….and to stay healthy and fit!
~~ Ashley Boynes-Shuck

Paragon Homes has been building custom homes in the Pittsburgh area for nearly 25 years.  In that time they have come to be recognized as one of the premier custom home builders in Western Pa.  In fact they have been honored to receive over 25 Housing Excellence Awards from the Builders and Realtors Associations of Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Washington County Builders Association including several for New Custom Home of the Year designations. You can reach Paragon Homes at 412-787-8807, or visit us online at

Ashley Boynes-Shuck is a well-known blogger, author, and social media pro from Pittsburgh, PA. She was voted Best Blogger in Pittsburgh and Who to Follow on Twitter 2010, one of Pittsburgh’s Top 40 Under 40 for 2011, a 2012 Woman of the Year and Athena Young Professional awards candidate, and happily lives in a suburb of Pittsburgh with her husband, pug, frogs, and kitten!  In her free time she focuses on advocacy and volunteer work, as well as rooting on the Pittsburgh Steelers!