So — what is feng shui?
Feng shui (prounounced, fung schway) is the Chinese art that is “considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy, and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.”
Whether you believe in the traditional laws of feng shui or not, some of its principles may be helpful to you when arranging your furniture, choosing interior paint colors, and in decorating your custom built Paragon luxury home.
Feng shui is all about open spaces and cleanliness. When practicing feng shui in the home, your goal is to simplify, and to be mindful of where you place windows, doors, and pieces of furniture.
For example, you should not have anything blocking windows or doorways, so that ‘positive energy’ can flow accordingly. You also should “de-clutter” your home – and whether you believe in feng shui or not, this is a good place for many of us to start, as it has been shown that clutter causes stress!
Airy, open spaces and calming colors are part of the feng shui lifestyle, too. Think “soothing” when choosing paint colors (think neutrals, blues, greens) and try to create an air of serenity in your home by avoiding crowdedness and by playing relaxing music to increase ambiance.
Consider adding aromatherapy to your home, too. Relaxing fragrances throughout your home in the way of candles or scented oils can really set the atmosphere, and it is shown that smells can even alter our mood!
You also want to make sure that any repairs that made need made to your home are made. Safety first!
A new architectural principle called Universal Design borrows ideas from the ancient notion of feng shui. Universal design refers to a broad-spectrum solution that produces buildings, products and environments that are usable and effective for everyone.
You can rest assured that Paragon Homes strives to keep your home as comfortable, livable, usable, and efficient as possible, and will work with you, mindfully, to make sure that your home – feng shui’ed or not – is a safe haven where you can relax at all times: mind, body, and spirit.
Call us today for a consultation at 412-787-8807 if you are interested in learning more about Paragon custom built luxury home.
~~ Ashley Boynes-Shuck
Paragon Homes has been building custom homes in the Pittsburgh area for nearly 25 years. In that time they have come to be recognized as one of the premier custom home builders in Western Pa. In fact they have been honored to receive over 25 Housing Excellence Awards from the Builders and Realtors Associations of Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Washington County Builders Association including several for New Custom Home of the Year designations.
Ashley Boynes-Shuck is a well-known blogger, author, and social media pro from Pittsburgh, PA. She was voted Best Blogger in Pittsburgh and Who to Follow on Twitter 2010, one of Pittsburgh’s Top 40 Under 40 for 2011, a 2012 Woman of the Year and Athena Young Professional awards candidate, and happily lives in a suburb of Pittsburgh with her husband, pug, frogs, and kitten! In her free time she focuses on advocacy and volunteer work, as well as rooting on the Pittsburgh Steelers!