What is a Custom Home?

What is a custom home? Paragon Pittsburgh BuildersCustom Does Not Always Mean “Custom”

Does it seem like everyone has artisan bread these days? Or artisan something. If you are looking to build your own home, you might find that the term “custom home” has become the artisan bread of the construction world – it is used very broadly and could mean any number of things.

Generally, there are three different types of new home building.

Production Homes

Also called tract houses, this type of development offers the least amount of choice for homebuyers. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing if you are easily overwhelmed. These builders may let you make minor changes to a set list of floor plans, but your house will end up looking very similar to others in the neighborhood.

Semi-Custom Homes

These homes also begin with a basic floor plan from the builder, and these builders allow you more flexibility to add a room or change a little bit. Buyers in these neighborhoods often appreciate the added choices they get, but these homes fall short of providing the truly unique neighborhood many buyers are looking for.

Custom Homes

A true custom home is all about choice, from the ground up.  A custom builder may show you some floorplans to get the creative juices flowing, but always lets you make as many changes as you like or start fresh with their architect and a clean sheet of paper. Many buyers choose a popular design and fully customize certain areas of the home but not others.  Either way, the Paragon process is designed to make buying a new home as easy and enjoyable as possible so that you can get the new home that has every little feature and detail that you dreamed about.  Working with a custom Pittsburgh home builder also gives you the opportunity to incorporate Energy Efficient or Green Building techniques, create accessible design elements or custom spaces to suit your religion, family size or even your favorite hobby, and with a good builder, design all of that in a way that is flexible so you home can adapt to your family’s needs in the future just as it does now.